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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Daily Agenda - 5/29-5/31 (Wed-Fri)

Final Exam Schedule

Wednesday - Periods 5,6
Thursday - Periods 3,7
Friday - Periods 2,4

End of the Semester Note: 

All scores will be posted daily through Monday as exams are assessed.  Thanks for a great school year.  Enjoy the summer break, be safe, and live life with passion.  Be the best you can be, and remember that lifelong learning will serve you for -- well, a lifetime. :-)  Hope to hear from you in the fall. 

Yours Truly,

Mr. Smith

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 5/28 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Antigone Study Guide Groups - Create Flashcards for Scenes 3 - 5 Key Questions.
2. Wildcat Partners - Thesis/Topic Sentence Drafting for Finals Essay Response

1. Study for Final Exam.
2. Punctuation Review Exercises/Story Key Question Flash Cards due on day of final.

Final Exam Schedule

Wed. 5/29 - Periods 5,6
Thur. 5/30 - Periods 3,7
Fri. 5/31 - Periods 2,4

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 5/23 (Thur)

Daily Agenda
1. Yearbook Time
2. Return Texts to Library
3. Finish Elements of Tragedy Foldable

1. Continue Punctuation Review Exercises
2. Begin Antigone Literature Review

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 5/21 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Journal Response - Character Flaws and Solutions
2. Read Exodus scene of Antigone.
3. Begin Elements of Tragedy Foldable

1. Complete Antigone Study Guide Questions
2. Begin Final Punctuation Review - Apostrophes

Friday, May 17, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 5/17 (Fri)

Daily Agenda
District Writing Post-Assessment

Punctuation Packet Exercises (Pages 325-327)

Daily Agenda & Homework - 5/15 (Wed)

Daily Agenda
1. Dashes Exercise Final Review
2. Read Antigone Scenes 4,5.
3. Write "I Am" Poems from perspectives of Antigone and Creon in Scenes 4,5.

Complete Study Guide Questions for Scenes 4,5.

Daily Agenda & Homework - 5/13 (Mon)

Daily Agenda
1. Hyphens B/ Hyphens C Exercises - Final Review
2. Understanding Tragedy Circle Map
3. Read Antigone Scene 3.  Complete study guide questions.
4. Begin Headline News Assignment

Complete the Headline News Assignment

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 5/9 (Thur)

Daily Agenda
1. Antigone Part I Competency Corrections
2. Writing Workshop: Revise Essays for Appositives, Colons, and Semi-colons; Formatting; and a Works Cited Page.  Submit final highlighted print copy to teacher and upload to

Finish essay if not completed in class.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 5/7 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Writing Introductions & Conclusions - Complete guided reading questions based on the article.
2. Writing Workshop Day #4 - Write introduction, conclusion, and concluding sentences for the Character Essay.  Then, edit and revise the essay.

Complete any part of the workshop NOT completed in class.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 5/1 and 5/3 (Wed/Fri)

Daily Agenda 5/3 (Fri)
1. Classical Roots Lesson #5 Quiz
2. Writing Workshop - (1) Revise use of quotations in your Character Essay following the models reviewed in class.  (2) Format your rough draft by removing the outline elements. (3) Submit as rough draft in

Homework 5/3 (Fri)
Complete the writing workshop on your own if you were not able to do so in class.

Daily Agenda 5/1 (Wed)
1. Writing Workshop -
     Step #1: Review my feedback regarding your thesis statement and topic sentences.  Then, revise
                   those parts that need revision.
     Step #2: Continue outlining by adding commentary.
     Step #3: Upload to under Character Essay Outline Revision 2.

2. Return Work / Complete Fifteen-Week Progress and Goals Reflection

Homework 5/1 (Wed)
Stydy for vocabulary since we didn't get to it today.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 4/29 (Mon)

Daily Agenda
1. Creon Bubble Map
2. Antigone Part One Reading Quiz
3. Writing Workshop: Begin Outlining Antigone & Creon Character Essay

1. Complete Thesis, Topic Sentences, and Concrete Details in the Outline
2. Study for Classical Roots #5 Vocab Quiz

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 4/25 (Thur)

Daily Agenda 
1. Antigone Bubble Map
2. Read Scene 2, and complete the study guide questions
3. Antigone Part I Quiz Review Activity

1. Study for Vocab #5 Quiz.
2. Create Flashcards for unfamiliar/unknown words.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 4/23 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Review Exercises #5C-5D
2. Read Antigone, Scene One
3. Complete Study Guide / Guided Reading Questions

1. Vocabulary 5 Key Word Activity
2. Flashcards for words that you still don't know well.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 4/19 (Fri)

Daily Agenda
1. Complete Greek Theater / Story Background summary handout.
2. Read prologue of Antigone.
3. Answer/Review study guide questions.
3. Collect Lesson #5 Vocabulary exercises.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 4/17 (Wed)

Daily Agenda
1. Greek Theater / Story Review Handout
2. Pre-reading Peer Discussion - Wildcat Partners

Vocabulary Exercises #5C, 5D

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 4/15 (Mon)

Daily Agenda
1. Finish Roots Lesson #5 Word Maps
2. From Ritual to Theater Video  Notes 

Vocab Exercises #5A-5B

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 4/11 (Thur)

Daily Agenda
1. Classical Roots Lesson #4 Quiz Reflection
2. Oedipus Myth Story Board Assignment

Complete Words Maps for Lesson #5 Vocabulary Words #1-8.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 4/9 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Hyphens & Dashes BrainPOP Lesson
2. Hyphens, Parentheses, and Dashes Quiz Corrections

Complete Quiz Corrections: Write three original sentences for each sentence missed on the quiz.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/29 (Fri)

Daily Agenda
1. Classical Roots Lesson #4 Quiz
2. Dashes, Hyphens, and Parentheses Quiz
3. Mini-research Hero Statement

None. Have a great spring break.

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/27 (Wed)

Daily Agenda
1. Review Homework (Exercises #4A,4B)
2. C-Notes/Exercises - Take C-Notes from the Grammar Text answering these three questions: (1) When do we use dashes?  (2) Why do we use parentheses?  (3) What are the various uses of hyphens in writing? Then, complete exercises 48-52.

Complete exercises #4C,4D and the two-sided vocabulary handout to review for Friday's vocabulary quiz.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/25 (Mon)

1. Don Quixote - Literature Competency #1
2. Classical Roots - Lesson #4 Word Maps   Lesson #4 Words/Exercises  Word Map Template Example
3. Binder/Composition Book Check

Vocabulary Exercises #4A,4B

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/21 (Thur)

In-class Essay: Themes in Don Quixote

Clauses Review Exercises, packet pgs. 89-90

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/19 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Bell Activity: Independent/Subordinate Clauses Review, handout page 91
2. Finish Don Quixote film
3. Theme Circle & Tree Maps

Review Infinite Campus.  Quarter missing assignments can be submitted through Monday 3/25, though assignments may not be included in the quarter progress report grade.  Note: Any missing writing assignments will result in a failing class grade.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/15 (Fri)

1. Language Bell Activity: Clauses
2. Continue Don Quixote film
3. Writing Workshop: Transitions (Cont'd from Wed)

1. Add Transitions into Cartoon Analysis paragraph
2. BranPOP Clauses Assignment

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/13 (Wed)

Daily Agenda
California High School Exit Exam


Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/11 (Mon)

Daily Agenda
1. Review Exit Exam Study Guide Q's
2. Continue Don Quixote film.
3. Complete Irony Response.
4. Writing Workshop: Transitions

1. Review Exit Exam Study Guide Chapter 6 - Review the various writing modes, models, and expectations for the writing portion of the California High School Exit Exam.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/7 (Thur)

Daily Agenda 
1. Semicolon/Colon Quiz #2
2. Exit Exam Practice Questions - Study Guide Practice, pgs. 51-53, questions #59-72.  (For each question, explain your reasoning for answer you selected.) 
3. Don Quixote - Continue Film and Film Response #1 

Exit Exam Study Guide, pgs. 17-21, questions #10-18.  (For each question, explain your reasoning for answer you selected.) 


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/5 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Classical Roots Lesson #3 Vocabulary Quiz
2. Exit Exam Study Guide Review - Read the passages and respond to the corresponding questions, pgs. 43-46.  Then, check your answers and explain in 1-2 sentences exactly why the correct answer is the BEST choice.

1. Organize the class notebook.
2. Cartoon Analysis (if not already completed/submitted)
3. Semicolon/Colon Correction Assignment

Monday, March 4, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 3/1 (Fri)

Daily Agenda 
1. Lesson 3 Key Word Activity
2. Practice Classical Roots Vocabulary #3 Quiz
3. Exit Exam Review - Read and complete questions, pgs. 7-9 and 13-16 of the California High School Exit Exam Study Guide.  Then, check the exercise answers in the back of the study guide.
4. Begin Don Quixote film - Keep track of characters/events in your composition book.

Study for Tuesday's Lesson #3 Vocabulary Quiz

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 2/27 (Wed)

Daily Agenda 
1. Classical Roots Exercise #3C
2. Analyzing Political/Social Issue Cartoons C-Notes (Pick-up handout in class.)
3. Cartoon Evaluation with Partner (Pick-up assignment in class.)

1. Write a two-chunk paragraph answering this question: What is the message of your cartoon, and how does the author communicate that idea?
2. Upload and print your paragraph for Friday.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 2/25 (Mon)

Daily Agenda
1. Collected Mice Irony/Ambiguity Essays
2. Classical Roots - Exercise #3B Review
3. Review "Mice That Set Elephants Free" Quiz Scores / Write Reflections
4. Complete Tiger Paragraph Corrections

1. Read Don Quixote excerpt from textbook, pgs. 1007 - 1014.  Answer Q's #1-6, pg. 1014.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 1/21 (Thur)

Daily Agenda
1. Classical Roots Exercise #3A
2. Language Workshop: Appositive C-Notes/Writing Appositive Phrases

Revise Mice Irony/Ambiguity essay for style elements (appositive phrases, colon, and semicolon);  then attach a Works Cited page, and format, print, and upload the final draft.   

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 2/19 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Literature Competency #1 (Reading Quiz on fables)
2. Begin Classical Roots Lesson #3 Word Maps Lesson Words/Exercises   Word Map Instructions
3. Writing Workshop: Edit Mice Irony/Ambiguity Essay    Editing Sheet

1. Finish Word Maps
2. Upload Essay Revision #2 to

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 2/13 (Wed)

Daily Agenda
1. Semicolon/Colon Quiz
2. Writing Workshop: Integrating Quotes Using Quotations Guidelines
3. Computer Lab Time - Revise Mice Irony/Ambiguity essays to improve use of context, quotations, and punctuation.

1. Read and annotate "The Brahman, The Thief, and The Ghost" - Highlight three passages that illustrate the literary devices of irony (verbal, dramatic, or situational) or ambiguity (contradiction, subtlety, or incongruity).  Then, explain the literary device and how it impacts the text (our understanding of characters, the plot, or the themes). 

2. Review and Study the definitions of the literary devices indicated above for Tuesday's Literature Competency/Test. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 2/11 (Mon)

1. Type Mice Irony & Ambiguity Essay
2. Upload draft to
3. Print copy. Staple drafts/outline below.  Attach the assignment sheet at the bottom.
Irony & Ambiguity Essay Assignment Sheet

1. Review for Semicolons/Colons Test - Complete Review Exercise B, pg. 283.  Then, correct Review Exercises A and B, pgs. 284-285, using the Answer Key

Friday, February 8, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 2/7 (Thur)

Daily Agenda
In-class Essay: Write an essay based on the outline you prepared answering his question: How does ambiguity and irony impact our understanding of character, plot, and theme in "The Mice That Set Elephants Free"?

Colon/Semicolon Review A Exercise, Colon Exercise Packet, pg. 284

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 2/5 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Review Semicolon B, pg. 278 exercise
2. Finish Fable Critical Reading Chart

1. Mice & Elephant Outline - Write an outline for a literary response to this question: How does ambiguity and irony impact our understanding of the fable, "The Mice That Set Elephants Free"?  Follow the outline format using the model under the Writing Resources link to the left of this blog.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 2/1 (Fri)

Daily Agenda

1. Semicolon Practice Exercise, pg. 277 Exercise
2. "The Mice That Set Elephants Free" Tree Map Tree Map Activity
3. Fable Critical Reading Chart Chart Assignment


1. Colon Exercise, page 282

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 1/30 (Wed)

Daily Agenda
1. Semicolon BrainPOP lesson
2. "The Mice That Set The Elephants Free" Tree  Map Activity

1. Finish the Citing Sources BrainPOP lesson (if not completed for today).

(Note: Remember that handouts for assignments are available in the Digital File Cabinet under the appropriate folders.)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 1/28 (Mon)

Daily Agenda 
1. Review Colon Practice Exercises, pgs. 280-281
2. Writing Workshop: Research & Citations - Students should revise formatting for the Irony & Ambiguity Paragraph (if necessary) and use to prepare a Works Cited page based on the source information for "The Tiger Who Would Be King"
3. Begin BrainPOP Carefree Citations Lesson

1. Finish the BrainPOP Carefree Citations Lesson (Note: The handout can be found in the Digital File Cabinet within the Writing and Research Assignments folder.)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework 1/25 (Thur)

Daily Agenda
1. Return Letters, Envelopes, Other Assignments
2. Reading Workshop: Review Understanding the impact of Ambiguity and Irony in "The Tiger Who Would Be King"
3. Writing Workshop: Irony & Ambiguity in "The Tiger Who Would Be King" - Write a well-developed two-chunk paragraph that analyzes the impact of irony and ambiguity on our understanding of the text.  Integrate quotations and citations correctly while following MLA formatting.  Use the handouts under the Writing Resources column to the left of this blog to complete the assignment successfully.  Upload your paragraph to when completed.

1. Revise Friendly Letters/Envelopes
2. Organized Notebook Due

REMINDER: Assignment Sheets (handouts) for these activities are located in the Digital File Cabinet within the appropriate folders.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework - 1/22 (Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. BrainPOP Language Workshop: Colons (See lesson handout.)
2. Prepare Envelopes/Submit Revised Letters
3. Reading Workshop: Understanding Ambiguity and Irony in "The Tiger Who Would Be King" (After reviewing the ambiguity and irony terms, read through the fable, "The Tiger Who Would Be King," and highlight five passages that demonstrate types of ambiguity and irony.  For each example, explain what is revealed about the character(s).  See lesson handouts.) 

1. Colons Practice Exercises (Packet Pages 280-281)

Reminder: All handouts are in the appropriate folders in the Digital File Cabinet.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Daily Agenda & Homework 1/17 (Thur)

1. Learning Goals Survey
2. Review Course Orientation Quiz
3. Wildcat Partners
3. Mini-Writing Workshop: Formatting the Friendly Letter

1. Bring Envelope, Stamp, and Recipient's Address.
2. Revise Letter for formatting and upload to

Monday, January 14, 2013

Welcome to Spring Semester!

Happy New Year!  The Spring Semester has arrived! :-)  To returning students, welcome back to Smith's English 10.  I hope last semester was a challenging yet growing experience for you.  To all new students, welcome to the class.  This blog provides you with information regarding the daily class activities and homework assignments. 

For all students, remember that this site is a resource for YOU to help YOU make the best of your learning throughout the semester.  I will work to keep it updated daily, but please don't forget to monitor the class whiteboard agenda daily as well as maintain phone numbers/e-mails for trusted peers you might contact to keep yourself up-to-date on what's happening each and every day.

I look forward to a great semester, and I'm here to help you achieve your greatest success!

Daily Agenda

1. Fall Semester Reflection, Learning Goals Survey, Reading Survey
2. WASC Student Survey
3. Course Orientation (Read online syllabus and complete online quiz)
4. Print Signature Sheet and complete with parents/guardians

Friendly Letter Assignment (Note: Upload letter to, but still bring in a printed letter to class.)